Last week we released the Editor and today's a good time to sum up how it all went and what's next.
At the time of writing, we have 271 registered users for the Editor. We'd like to thank every single Nomad who downloaded it and gave it a try! We are pleased with the feedback, partly because all seems to be working more or less as intended and also because our beloved Nomads already provided some great ideas for further improvements (improved mirroring, having something awesome pre-built at the start, to name but a few).
Today we also released a new version with 5 new block types. There's new weaponry - minigun and missile turrets - and also the excavator head and its holders. So now you can design and build those massive harvesters we always talked about. There are still a couple more to be added - structure blocks for more intricate designs, doors, ladders and a few more utility items.
We certainly hope we managed to convince you to believe in us and our project and to show that Planet Nomads truly have the potential to be a great sandbox game.
The Editor will have a few minor updates, but we'd like to focus on the actual game again and move it forward so we can show you new locations and hopefully new screens directly from the game engine.
If you know a friend or two who might find Planet Nomads and the Editor interesting, please let them know about it.
Big thanks to those who shared their incredible creations! Keep them coming!
Here are the three that really stood out in our opinion, from left to right:
APC by Joshua B.
Mi-86-SuperHIND by Karel K.
Blue Horn by Frey9600
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