Hello Nomads,
Is the alpha ready? When will the game be out? We're getting more and more of these and the sweet tension increases with every day passed. We are slowly coming to realize that inevitably, you are going to join us in playing Planet Nomads. The game will finally start to fulfill its purpose. Do we have a closed-alpha date for you? Not yet. Will we have it for you in the next blog post? Very likely so.
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The closed-alpha is now a matter of a couple missing features and polishes, check them on Trello. That's the work we've been doing lately and will continue to do so until the alpha launch.
Closed-Alpha Forum Section
We'll be opening a special section in the forum where Alpha tier members will be able to report bugs and provide feedback. So if you have alpha access, make sure you have your forum badge up too. Let me or Wazbat know if not, so we can help. The forum section will be accessible by everyone, so you know what Alpha players are saying about Planet Nomads, and general discussions can take place in the right forum section.
It's happening Nomads. In February Kickstarter we put Planet Nomads on the list of upcoming space sandbox games together. Now we have a few months of closed-alpha testing ahead of us and then it's Early Access and a live game on Steam.
Sometimes all this makes us do crazy things.
Until next time, Nomads.
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