Hello Nomads,
two updates for today, one is on Steam and the other is in the form of the 13th episode of Nomadic Journals, in which Thomas talks about the new animal AI he's been working on since... well since the May launch of Planet Nomads.
We're also announcing the winner of the Ingenious Spotlight and the mystery box.
The 0.6.10 update is mostly about this new item you can craft in Medium Armory. It's the personal defense rifle we showed you last week.
Other news include a better inventory and item management by adding 100x (Shift) and 10x (Ctrl) modifiers for crafting in 3D printers and other production blocks. There's also the binding of hotbars to custom keys (for all our azerty users out there). Medium medbay marks the final missing Medium production block. Now every workbench has its equivalent with conveyor ports.

Nomads closely following the development Planet Nomads will notice the date of the expected big update (with the animals and terrain generation change) has been pushed three weeks ahead - set on 17th August. This is due to the summer season where our beloved halves insist we take them out for holidays. Which is to be expected. What we did not expect to see was Martin, our main Sandy guy, falling seriously ill in summer. His holidays turned into a week of bedtime, continuing to this week also. Instead of finalizing the terrain generation, Martin is now waiting for his test results. We do hope his health improves soon. So he can feel better again. And do some work at home besides sleeping.
There's more people on the team of course, so we will use the extra time to add crash-sites, personal datapad which will contain useful info and will be good for saving the reports of what you encounter in the world and uncover in those crash-sites.
The two features we sadly didn't manage to get in today, but are in the works already for next week, are 1) the autosaving frequency settings in options (Update: It is already in, sorry for missing that out originally. Maly Kuba has worked like greased lightning.) and 2) day/night cycle tweaks.
For a complete list of changes in 0.6.10, see the patch notes on Steam or our forum.
Thanks for reading the news, Nomads. We'll keep 'em coming.
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